Last night I received a call from my brother asking about my thoughts regarding the situation in St. Louis. I had no idea what he was talking about but I listened in horror as he described the recent events
surrounding Mike Brown. As with so many other news story there's another young black boy dead. No justifiable reason for the murder. Just something someone felt inclined to do at the time.
With each incident I read about my heart always cries out for the families, the local community, and the state of the country. It hurts to know I live in a country that boasts freedom yet I could be shot at any moment for no reason and no justice will be served. As much as most stories hit close to home as I think about the safety of the black men that I love most this story is home. As a
St. Louis native this story could literally be my brother, cousin, friend, former classmate, or a long list of others. It hurts to see my city hurting and acting out as a result of misguided pain and frustration.
Question: We know the problem, but what is the solution?
At this point, I don't know. Some things I do know are unity and cooperation are requirements. Two heads are better than one. We are stronger together that we are apart. The pooling of talents, wisdom, experience, and connections could produce the formula needed to solve the problem. A formula that includes leadership, short and long term plans, organization, and education.
I pray for my hometown. I pray for peace, healing, and guidance.