It has been a long time since I've written anything. I can definitely say life has taken some interesting new turns. I have found a new job, joined new organizations, reevaluated my relationships in a major way. With the school year ending and the summer of freedom beginning I decided to explore dating more. Since making that decision I have been on several dates with a variety guys. Some great, some not so awesome.
As I have evaluated my dating experiences and reflected on my judgments of the guys I've been out with I have started to narrow down what I'm looking for in a potential mate and what type of relationship I am currently seeking. I've decided I need a real man as a potential mate. Then I had to ask the question: What is a real man to me? My answer: someone respectful, chivalrous, honest, hard-working, and selfless. All of the things I was taught to a real man is by my father.
This is something I really thought about during a conversation at a dinner table with friends. During casual conversation a young woman said she couldn't date a man that was college educated. I almost laughed out loud because I used to think the same thing. I wanted the doctor/lawyer driving the nice car and living in a really expensive penthouse apartment. After walking through lakes of fire last year I have reevaluated my entire life. It's laughable and sad to think a college degree would make someone a great mate. Completely ruling out all of the other qualities that make a person wonderful and keep a relationship together, strong, and healthy. As long as my husband is committed to working and providing for our family his profession makes no difference to me.
Back to my questions, I also had to ask what type of relationship am I looking for? I constantly bounce between I want a husband, baby, and white picket fence and I really want to gallivant in the wonderful, free world of singledom! I've decided my issue is not settling. I would be happy to find the man of my dreams tomorrow but that doesn't seem like it will happen. So until then I will continue to happily skip through Singlesville. Just window shopping along the way. I'm having a blast meeting new people, trying out new places around town, and getting to know myself.
For now I will continue to dance through Singlesville town square. I'll keep you posted!
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